Monday, August 5, 2013

Undercover Matchmaking

I've recently got back from an experience that I'm not quite sure how to even interpret or identify. Honestly, it's a bit confusing. Usually when a friend sets you up with someone, you really believe they have your best interest in mind and really think you have a shot at getting along with said individual. Or so it may seem...

My good friend recently started dating this guy named *Trevor who invited her to hang out one night. The relationship is still premature, so as a good girlfriend I agreed to go with her to his BBQ. A couple of text messages were tossed around about setting me up with Trevor's roommate. I didn't really think too much about this because I'm sure this was just an easy way to get two interested people together with their friends as buffers for any awkward tension that could arise. I'm down for that, I'm a good wing woman...or so I like to think. My full logic of this entire situation is that the girl is always in full control so if things don't necessarily pan out the greatest, it's not like I lose anything. I've reasoned for this to be a win win situation so I figured if I'm helping a friend out and there's a potential benefit for me, why not? Or I'm just thinking too much and I should really just say - fuck it, let's do this.

We get to Trevor's apartment and immediately I meet his roommate *Jake and their friend *Mark. Both of the guys were extremely down to earth and great and I seemed to have gotten along with both of them pretty well. We hit off conversation but I was noticing some tension between *Jake and I. I knew it had something to do with the open fact that *Trevor was trying to set us up. Not to mention, *Trevor took a second during that night to ask me, "which one?" as if the goal was to eventually end up with someone at the end of the night. I was obviously too shy to say I had a thing for *Jake - after all....he carried this understated swag that was just so damn attractive. *Mark was more of a buddy - a brother if you will.

There were moments during the night where I spoke with *Jake for a good while - but there were also moments where there was perfect opportunity for him to flirt with me and nothing happened. I wasn't necessarily shocked, but confused. I thought we hit it off? I thought we were cool? So shouldn't he take any opportunity to get to know me a little more? The night ended with us on their balcony drinking wine together and talking about our interests which was really fun. I like having legitimate convo with  someone - but was that just it? Was it only legitimate convo? Is he just a nice guy willing to carry a conversation with a buddy's friend? How can I tell if he's interested or not? I think I genuinely find this guy interesting and would love to get to know him better but he seems to have his guard up and I have no idea why. The last I heard - he was looking and open to dating. In this scenario - how do I show interest without seeming like a complete stalker, and how do I know if he's even interested?

Needless to say, I'm pretty confused. I finally find someone interesting and I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual. I have a hunch that it is, but there's not enough open lines for communication. No number was retrieved that night. I'm so confused and  it's driving me crazy trying to 'crack the code'.

*Names were changed for privacy purposes.

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