I had an urge to write - seeing to it as it is July 4th and I am in no ways or means celebrating in the way any 23 year-old rightfully should. But there are times where you have to take a step back and settle in, distance yourself from the noise, and do whatever it is that makes you happy. For me, that was popping into the dvd player a bootleg version of Crazy Stupid Love, over-indulging in a brie cheeseburger that was fresh off the BBQ grill, and wishing ever so slightly that my life would gradually flow in a similar way to Emma Stone's. We all do, don't we? That's the point of these movies.
To shield this blog post from any form of first-timer movie syndrome judgement, I definitely have watched this movie numerous of times but every.single.time. I take away something new. However, the biggest takeaway I always seem to walk away with is: It's okay to just do you. Cliche, I know... but I love this movie because of that, and just that. And with that, here is my thought process:
1. This movie reinforces DTE girls - DTE acronyms for Down To Earth. Get to know this term, as I am an avid avid fan of it. I feel like if this was an attitude that was carried out much more regularly in dating scenarios, there would be no "game playing." DTE is DTE, if the person doesn't vibe with you, you immediately know it. When you're DTE, you're able to separate what's real from what's not, what's feeling of infatuation vs.true like. It's hard to truthfully like someone in my opinion, but when you're as down to earth as Emma Stone is in that movie, I find it easy to walk away from noise and find the people you really vibe with. That's all anybody wants at the end of the day right? Someone who gets them.
2. How many Ryan Goslings exists? And by Ryan Gosling I mean men who wear slick suits with cognac Cole Haan shoes. This is a panty dropper for me. I swoon over cognac dress shoes - it's the ultimate form of manhood and any girl who is any girl will appreciate the kicks. If you're a guy, cognac shoes are instant prize winners. A well dressed, well kept man is really a rare breed. Key.
3. Depth. We all look for depth don't we? I like how this movie skims the topic of depth in relationships but doesn't go too mushy gushy with it. It's the perfect balance. With that said, I admire depth in people. It shows a lot of self-awareness, and internal reflection. It shows character - and character is something that is extremely hard to find. Correction: good character, is extremely hard to find.
4. Relationships aren't relationships, relationships are just amazing friendships that allow for sex. This is fundamental - who wouldn't want that? A best friend you can go to bed with? Now that... that right there is pure genius. Now if I can somehow magically stumble upon that, wouldn't it be nice?
It sure would.
Crazy, Stupid, Love. A great metaphorical analogy to a dating life that is not relevant in my life whatsoever, not even a speck real. A girl can dream, but until then it's just crazy stooopid love.
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